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Technology of Compassion: Leadership Blueprint
People join companies, but quit people. Why? The Challenge: Many workplaces of today regard human relationships as something that needs to be managed, controlled, manipulated to fulfill the objective of productivity and profitability. It is no wonder then that, instead of blossoming and becoming more alive, employees become more disconnected from their own truth and humanity. The Impact: People in pain often create pain for those around them. The cycle is self-perpetuating. This vicious cycle of being disconnected from what is alive within ourselves, stifles organisational creativity, productivity and innovation. The Antidote: An experiential six-step Nonviolent Communication (NVC) based process to help you learn, through role-plays and case-studies, to:
Emotional Agility: Pathway to Resilience at Work
Emotional self-regulation has the final say, always. The Challenge: We believe 1) we are rational beings; 2) being rational is good; and 3) emotion is rationality's enemy, i.e. we've been socialised to believe that emotion lacks intelligence, and can't be trusted to produce "good" results. When in fact it is our emotions that drive our decisions, and we use our minds to rationalise a decision that has already been made. Unfortunately, many of us are unskilled at connecting to this source of motivation driving most of our decisions. The Impact: We become a slave to our emotions, i.e. when we respect fear (for example) more than the needs beneath the fear, we often end up acting in ways that are not in integrity with ourselves and others. And invariably, grief, stress, anger, shame, guilt, depression, anxiety ensues, which in turn stifles organisational creativity, productivity and innovation. The Antidote: An embodied five-step compassion based process to help you move from anger, blame, shame, guilt to empathy, mourning, wisdom, acceptance by: