In gratitude, I stand on the shoulders of the following luminaries in their fields. These names are intended as examples of the rigour upon which I draw to inform my interventions.
Compassion-based frameworks
Dr. Marshal Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication process
Dr. Paul Gilbert’s compassion-focused therapy
Mahayana Buddhist practice of Lojong
Gestalt frameworks
John Leary-Joyce on polarities
Laura Perls on dialogic co-creation
Dramatic frameworks
Lee Strasberg's Method Acting
Improvisational theatre
Applied clinical (neuroscience) research
Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett on emotions
Dr. Tania Singer on compassion
Dr. Beau Lotto on perception
Spiritually-informed consciousness frameworks
Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter on ego development
Dr. Margaret Wheatley on quantum leadership
Ken Wilber on integral theory
Research-based culture agility frameworks
Dr. Fons Trompenaars on reconciling cultural differences
Frederic Laloux on "Teal"
Simon Sinek on "Why"
Krista Tippett on "Being"
Roman Mars on "Invisible"
Jad Abumrad "Humanity"
Philosopher Poets
John O'Donohue
Mary Oliver
Rabindranath Tagore
Compassion-based frameworks
Dr. Marshal Rosenberg’s Nonviolent Communication process
Dr. Paul Gilbert’s compassion-focused therapy
Mahayana Buddhist practice of Lojong
Gestalt frameworks
John Leary-Joyce on polarities
Laura Perls on dialogic co-creation
Dramatic frameworks
Lee Strasberg's Method Acting
Improvisational theatre
Applied clinical (neuroscience) research
Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett on emotions
Dr. Tania Singer on compassion
Dr. Beau Lotto on perception
Spiritually-informed consciousness frameworks
Dr. Susanne Cook-Greuter on ego development
Dr. Margaret Wheatley on quantum leadership
Ken Wilber on integral theory
Research-based culture agility frameworks
Dr. Fons Trompenaars on reconciling cultural differences
Frederic Laloux on "Teal"
Simon Sinek on "Why"
Krista Tippett on "Being"
Roman Mars on "Invisible"
Jad Abumrad "Humanity"
Philosopher Poets
John O'Donohue
Mary Oliver
Rabindranath Tagore